
Sharing our Winter Wonderland

We know you can’t get to the Lakes again right now, so we’ve put together our Winter Lakes Magazine, to transport you here, whilst you stay warm and cosy at home.   

Winter is a magical time, hopefully, we will enjoy blue skies and white snowfall or sharp frosts, but we are realistic!  We know that heavy rain, strong winds and storms are often on the horizon and the Lake District, has experienced its share of dramatic weather over the years.  But when we get those blue skies, white fell-top days, they are hard to beat.  Your face glows with the winter chill, and the skies seem to go on forever.  January and February also bring hope – snowdrops and daffodils start to peek through, the trees start to awake from their dormant slumber with just the whisper of buds growing; the days get a little bit lighter, the birds start to explore nesting places, and we can feel Spring around the corner.  

We all need some hope this year especially, so wrap up warm, hunker down and be inspired by our Winter selection of inspirational ideas. You’ll discover interesting people, ideas for walks and places to add to your ‘to-do’ list when you can visit again.

Grab a mulled wine, a hot chocolate or a local ale, and imagine you’re in one of our cosy pubs, dozing by the fire. Until we can welcome you in person again, we hope this ‘virtual’ winter visit to the Lakes sustains you through the next few months and will inspire you to visit again.

Grasmere Frost