
Family walk around Sizergh Castle Estate, near Kendal

Walk around Sizergh Estate – Walk & map details thanks to the National Trust, Lake District

Route Details:  Difficulty: Moderate | time: 2 hours | Distance 2.5 miles (4k) | Map OS Explorer OL7

Sizergh Castle in spring

Park at the Castle Car Park signposted off the A590 near Kendal.

Here you’ll find, café, loos, shop and of course the Castle and gardens.  From the car park, follow the orange way marker arrows labelled ‘Sizergh Fell’.  You’ll leave the car park near the cattle grid at the southern end where you came in, through a gate and into a field. Walk along with the wall on your left, to the next gate. You may see buzzards and pheasants as they nest in Castle Wood to your left.

Walk through the field to the next gate into another field.  Ignore the gate to your right and keep walking onto Sizergh Fell, where you’ll wander up hill, keeping the low wall and fence on your right side.
Continue walking uphill, aiming for the clump of trees on the top.

You’ll pass many hawthorn trees, which attract many nesting birds. At the top rest a moment and enjoy the wonderful views out to Morecambe Bay, and the Howgills and Pennines behind.

From the top, follow the footpath across the top and downhill with stunning views of Whitbarrow Scar and the Lake District Fells ahead of you.

You’ll reach a gate in a wall – follow the arrow to Sizergh Fell, immediately right.

There is a flat track through a bumpy field – which are actually ant hills! and home to a  magnificent wild-flower meadow in summer, a haven for bees and butterflies.  Head to the gate and follow the arrow downhill steeply with a woodland to the left.  You’ll see Lane End Farm and a road ahead of you.

Take a right through a double gate at the bottom of the hill and continue on this field keeping the road to your left. As you reach the end of the field, you’ll be able to turn right and head across the field to another double gate.

Walk through the pedestrian gate and take a left around a large Ash tree, cutting a corner off the field. Walk through a small footpath gate in the wall and into the next field keeping the wall on your left, aiming for the footpath gate on the other side of the field.

Head through this gate and up a small slope onto Ashbank Lane and head right, immediately going through a large field gate. Walk along this stone track, keeping the high, historic deer park wall to your right. You will eventually pass a spectacular veteran ash tree on your right side, and not far past this is a large gate hung from impressive limestone stoops.

Go through the gate, onto a narrow track with a hedgerow on your right and a wall to your left.

Walk up a slope, and down the other side which will then return you to the Sizergh Castle car park where you can indulge in delicious savoury treats such as home-made soups and pies, along with hot and cold drinks and home made cakes, or local ice-cream.

Don’t forget you can join the National Trust for free parking across the Lake District, (and throughout the UK) and free entry into many castles, houses and interesting places.  You are also helping to conserve the Lake District for future generations as all membership funds go straight to local projects.  Find out more here.

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